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Manufacturers & Suppliers to the UK Emergency Services, Public Sector Services, Utilities, Contractors and Private Individuals
Manufacturers & Suppliers to the UK Emergency Services, Public Sector Services, Utilities, Contractors and Private Individuals
AA Signs

AA Signs

Guiding the way since 1906, the signs department of the AA has enabled motorists to find safe passage through the towns and villages of the United Kingdom, long before the official British Road Signs Designs were launched in 1965. Today the UK road network is a fast moving busy network of intertwining roads and motorways, continuously changing and challenging the companies who work to guide us on our way, whilst keeping our vehicles mobile and safe.

Today, The Automobile Association does so much more than keep us mobile, we see the AA Signs brand at many major events, installing signs at venues such as the Glastonbury Festival or even small venues like the local Gymkhana. Increased demand requires increased capacity and in early 2000 Protect Signs became an approved supplier of the printed sign components to AA Signs. Since these early days Protect have worked closely with the AA helping to improve and innovate the sign services AA Signs offer, we have introduced environmentally friendly reusable systems, whilst reducing manufacturing costs through the use of research and development, innovation and investment in new technology.

Protects Signs has now worked closely with the AA for more than 20 years, we have helped deliver major projects such as the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium wayfinding signage and many more high profile projects. We are proud to be the preferred supplier of the Third Emergency Service.

Our clients and our dedication to service made us who we are, but friendships gained and trust embraced helps secure Protect's future.

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